Congratulations to the Class of 2018!!
SEM Ranked #1 by Texas School Guide
I am proud to share:
May 17, 2018 – The School of Science and Engineering was ranked #1 in North Texas.
BIG thank you to our students & teachers!
See the article:
Andrew Palacios, Principal
School of Science and Engineering
NSBE Beyblade Event at UTD
NSBE Beyblade Event at UTD
SEM Wins Gold Medal Designation
SEM received the Gold Medal designation for demonstrating the highest college readiness, placing it among the top in Texas by U.S. News & World Report in 2018.
SEM ranks….
- #13 in National Rankings
- #3 in Texas High Schools
- #4 in Magnet High Schools
- #13 in National Rankings
State UIL Math Championship
SEM had seven students compete at the Academic State UIL meet on May 4th and 5th . Students competed in Number Sense, Calculator, Math and Spelling. These are very competitive events – these students have spent years preparing for this competition. If you see these students, please congratulate them on their accomplishments.
Mathematics – 1st place team
Raviraj Rege – 1st place
Victor Diaz – 2nd place
Yash Chandak
Pranay Varada
Number Sense – 3rd place team
Raviraj Rege – 9th place
Yash Chandak
Tomisin Ogunfunmi
Victor Diaz
Calculator Applications – 3rd place team
Victor Diaz – 7th place
Raviraj Rege – 8th place
Yash Chandak
Valentina Pham
Spelling and Vocabulary
Priya Irukulapati
—Josh Newton
Saumya Rawat Won Third Aspire IT Grant from NCWIT
Saumya Rawat won another highly competitive $3,300 grant from the National Center for Women and Information Technology (NCWIT) to host free app development programs this summer. Recently she hosted 2 day weekend workshop sessions at UTD for middle school girls from underrepresented areas. More than 100 Girls from all over the DFW areas learned robotics using Scribblers, met student and professional mentors, explored STEM career options, and interacted with the FRC Robobusters Townview Robotics Team robots.
IT Empowerment for Her’s January and February robotics programs were featured on the UT Dallas Computer Science page: UT Dallas CS and IT Empowerment for Her Program Promote STEM Education for Middle School Girls Through Weekend Workshops – Department of Computer Science – The University of Texas at Dallas – Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science.
Additionally, Saumya was also featured on the Hub: Student’s organization shares love of STEM with middle-school girls | The Hub.
Please see the IT Empowerment for Her Opportunities page for past program photos and check back soon for updated upcoming program registrations:
The app development summer programs will be held on June 27-29 and July 9-11 and are for incoming 6th-9th grade girls; please subscribe to receive an email when registration opens: If any high school girls would like to volunteer, please register at the link: