SEM PTSA Board | SEM PTSA Community Meetings |
Typically 2nd Wed 6:30pm |
Typically 3rd Wed 6:30pm |
August 14, 6:30pm | August 21, 6:30pm |
September 11, 6:30pm | *September 25, 5:30pm |
October 9, 6:30pm | October 16, 6:30pm |
November 13, 6:30pm | November 20, 6:30pm |
December 11, 6:30pm | *December 20, 8:00am (attend Holiday event) |
January 8, 6:30pm | *January 23, 6:30pm (Internship Meeting) |
February 12, 6:30pm | February 19, 6:30pm |
*March 5, 6:30pm | March 19, 6:30pm |
April 9, 6:30pm | April 16, 6:30pm |
May 14, 6:30pm | |
Have a great summer! | |
*moved due to conflict |
SBDM: The Site-Based Decision Making Committee Schedule
Site-Based Decision Making is a process for decentralizing
decisions to improve the educational outcomes at every school
campus through a collaborative effort by which principals, teachers,
campus staff, district staff, parents, and community representatives
assess educational outcomes of all students, determine goals and
strategies, and ensure that strategies are implemented and adiusted
to improve student achievement.
More info here
Please register in advance for these virtual meetings by clicking on the links below.
- Schedule Coming Soon!