SEM PTSA is here to support our parents, teachers and students. In the past few years, we have initiated several new programs to build a stronger SEM Community, together.
•SEM Socials: Monthly gatherings for our students and faculty to connect outside of the classroom.
•Secret Teacher Treats: Monthly appreciation gifts/meals to show our beloved, hard-working faculty that we support them.
•StuCo Partnership: To improve leadership and fundraising for our student activities.
There are so many ways to get involved with your SEM PTSA! Please feel free to email me directly to discuss
Here are some of the Chair positions where YOU can add value to your student’s experience:
StuCo Liaison – Collaborate with Student Council to facilitate the execution of Socials, dances, and events. They do all the planning – and just let us know what they need!
Time commitment – monthly
Website Chair – Liaise with student Chairs of The Nucleus (our student-run SEM info site: one-stop-shop for all things SEM and incorporate minimal updates to this site. As needed – but you will be completely in-the-know!
Time commitment – as needed
Fundraising Chair – Collaborate with StuCo on 2 annual fundraising events (one Winter and one Spring). Also, work with StuCo to publicize North Texas Giving Day to the SEM Community.
Time Commitment – 3x per year
Secret Teacher Treats Chair – get those creative ideas going with our Secret Teacher Treats Program. Each month we create a secret treat for our beloved faculty – ideas ranging from SEM swag, pies for Thanksgiving, flowers in the spring, etc.
Time commitment – Monthly delivery to school
PVSA Chair – Presidential Volunteer Service Award – publicized the logs and info to the students in the Fall. Collect logs in March and approve. Order pins and certificates to present at the Award Ceremony in April.
Time commitment – March
Not interested in a Chair position? We’d still love to see you at our SEM events! We can always use extra hands to pass out hot cocoa or pizza – and you get to see your student having fun with their buddies…at a “parental” distance!
Time commitment – one hour