Welcome to the SEM PTSA Calendar! We show events concerning SEM students, teachers, and families. If you have an event to add, please let us know. See the DISD student calendar here.

SEM PTSA Staff Breakfast

We are asking for donations and volunteers for our PTSA Back toSchool Teacher Breakfast. Please sign up using this link:"

New Parent Meeting

This meeting will cover items such as buses, tutoring, PowerSchool, etc. There are two options, both on 8/14/18, option 1 is 9-10am,and option 2 is 3:30-4:30pm

New Parent Meeting

This meeting will cover items such as buses, tutoring, PowerSchool, etc. There are two options, both on 8/14/18, option 1 is 9-10am,and option 2 is 3:30-4:30pm

12th Grade Parents Donation

Parents of seniors may drop off graduation donations ($90 requested) to PTSA at the SEM Office